Saturday, January 5, 2013

The good die young.

In my hometown since New Years Eve there have been 3 deaths.  I went to High school with all 3 of them, some older, some my age and it really just makes you think something will never happen to you but it can.  It's hard when you are living your life day by day to not take it for granted since you have never had it taken away from you.

The first two went missing, they decided to go out on the water at 1am with their boat and they ended up missing for 5 days until they were found, both passed.  I wasn't great friends with them and never hung out with them but i had a few classes with them but when something happens like this and it effects your friends who actually were close to them and hung out with them it really makes a impact.  Our community came together with volunteers & really helped the families.

The other was also someone i went to school with and was dating a girl i grew up with, it was her boyfriend of 10 years. On NYE he passed out at a bar and never woke up. I don't know a lot of details on this one cause it wasn't on the news and don't think asking is the right thing to do. But the New year isn't starting off in a good way.

Life can change at any moment & I need to start realizing that.  Little fights that aren't needed and moments that i shouldn't take for granted.

This post is just me thinking out loud.

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