Tuesday, January 1, 2013


New Years Eve was a blast! It's also my father in laws birthday so we always have a huge party, dance, drink some, play some games with family some tradition some random ones & we had a bon fire.  Overall great night with family and can't wait to spend another year with them.

The fresh new year has had me thinking a lot about how i always never finish resolutions, SO i decided to set myself goals for each month to complete. I think i am going to take the month of January to complete all the goals i have for the rest of the year for each month. I do not want to miss anything so i want to take my time. SO i guess you could say my goal for the month of January is to think of all the rest of my goals for the rest of the year.

As we say goodbye to 2012 you can't help but think of all the good and well bad times you had and thinking about everything makes you realize how the year actually did fly by but yet drag on to each the new year ahead. So many things happened, We packed up and moved to Brooklyn, NY like we knew it's what we wanted and we got there and ended up leaving less than 4 months living there.  We (hubby and I) celebrated our second year wedding anniversary (actually the same day we moved into our new apartment in Brooklyn was out anniversary.)  I had a rocky pregnancy that left me with the most amazing healthy beautiful little boy that I am so in love with it's insane.  We celebrated Emmalees 2nd birthday with friends & family; seeing how much she has grown within this past year itself has made this year the best.  One of my best friends (Ashton) moved away this year and it really made me realize how much i relied on her and not having her here has still made us close but made me realize how much a friendship like ours is to me. This year marked one year that our dear friend Cullen (pouty) passed on from us here on earth.  I have to say a huge highlight besides giving birth was realizing that my home is here in Florida. I never realized how much i rely on this state and my entire family and friends until i didn't have them in reach of me.

Some of my favorite pictures and memories of this year.

Here are some pictures of the party from NYE last night.

My New Years Eve dress! Best part it was only 10$!

My beautiful Sister in law, Jackie!

Hubby and I 

The best New Years date!

Strike of Midnight<3

One of the only pictures of Emmalee Zooey since she fell asleep almost right after we got there lol

Also one of the only pictures of Ezra Avery since he also fell asleep and slept the entire night away<3

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