Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hope you are resting well.

Today was the first time in 6 years that I finally went to see my grandmother at her grave site.  I wish I would have gone sooner but either way today meant a lot to me.  I took my daughter to "meet" her great grandma, i know Emmalee is only 2 and does not understand that she ever had a great grandmother let alone knows what death means and all that but it was really warming to have her come with me.  I like to think my grandmother saw us there today and was watching how much it meant to me.  I would of given anything to have Emmalee and Ezra be able to meet her just once.

I plan on going to visit way more often now. I think i just needed that first time to get past cause i really wasn't sure how i would do visiting her.  I actually feel terrible i have not gone before today besides the funeral. I will never forget the day it happened.

But enough sadness for today. Here are some beautiful pictures that i got today of Emmalee with my grandpa and grandma. My grandfather died before i was born so i never got to meet him.

I can't wait to show her these one day when she is older and can understand. 

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